Saturday, August 15, 2015

Time for a change!

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." - Frederick Douglas

So I've said before that blogging is kind of my nerdy hobby... not that other people are nerdy for blogging, I just feel nerdy sometimes writing down my thoughts for people to read haha... but I've had my blog for a good 5 years or something now and decided that I was ready for a change. A change in the name and a change in its purpose. 

I'm a lot different than I was when I started it, I'm not teaching anymore, and I am a MOM. Good grief when did that happen?! My priorities are way different and my time is not my own anymore, which I guess honestly it really never was anyway, right? So I just felt like I wanted to direct most of my blog's thoughts in that direction, which I feel like I already have in my most recent posts. 

I like change anyway, most of the time... hehe unless it is the constant changing of my boy's schedules and napping... that drives me bonkers... but I feel like change is refreshing, new starts are fun, and it kind of just makes my brain feel different. I think that's why I love traveling so much, makes my brain feel different... but anyway, that's another topic for another time.

So I just thought I would do a quick post letting everyone know that I did change the address, so if by any chance you have book marked my last blog address, you'll have to do a new bookmark. I know, sorry! Hope you enjoy the new look!