Saturday, August 27, 2011

One week down!

Well, I made it folks!! ;0) My first week down, only.... a whole lot more to go. BUT! I am hopeful, as the first week has gone extremely well. For the first time, in a long time, I think if someone asked me if I liked my job, as of right now I would be able to say.. Yes!! Amazing I know, I can't really think of the last time I felt that way. My second year was very good, but since I was still new to the realm of teaching, I didn't realize how good of a group they were until the end. I'm hoping that this isn't just a "honeymoon" phase though and that these kids will continue to be as good as they were this first week. There are so many that I already really like a lot, and very few that I think will be "sassy", if you know what I mean. ;0) I have two pre-ap classes this year too, and they have been so fun. Most of those kids are a blast and care about school, which is so refreshing! Thank you to anyone who said a prayer for me for this year, I truly thank God for this good start because I know that it is from Him. 

I posted a few more pictures of my classroom, the finished product. 

I have lab journal table of contents posted here, as well as my "while you were out" folders. Kids who are absent can pick up their makeup work from the folder day that they were out. It works out pretty well. :0)

I marked off this board for our daily objectives, class agendas and homework. We have to post TEK objectives and ESL objectives every day. It's super fun. ;0) This helps me stay organized too though, and is a good thing for the kids to look at as well.

This is my content bulletin board. I change this out every nine weeks with the different areas of study we will be covering. We start the year off with nature of science (measurement, scientific method, variables), then chemistry (atomic structure, periodic table of elements, chemical and physical properties and reactions) and then ecology (food chains/webs, relationships, abiotic and biotic factors). I know you were all totally interested in that. haha :0)

Well thanks for reading, I wish I could be more specific about things, but I like my job and want to keep it as of now, so I'll leave it at that. :0)


  1. Such great organizational skills! You must have got that from your dad! :-)

  2. I'm so glad that your first week went so well!!! Lol have you ever noticed that the blue fish is the fastest swimmer? HAHAHA i was feeding your fish for like a good five minutes and got them all to one side of the screen and put food on the opposite side and they were all swimming over for it and the blue one swam way faster than the others! LOL just a fun fact for the day :)

  3. I love the new stools !! It gives the room a whole new feeling. I'm so glad that you are having such a good year. It was probably all my negative vibes (and Jesus) that made last year so bad.

    Love and miss you bunches.
